Green Opposition of Prince Edward Island
Working in Your Community
The Opposition Green Caucus of Prince Edward Island provides a crucial role in the governing of our province. The caucus is made up of Green Party MLAs elected by Islanders.
We strive to offer informed and intelligent debate and proposals that are evidence-based and data-informed. Through respect and integrity, we seek to improve the work and efforts of government on behalf of all Islanders.
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In the News
Statement from Matt MacFarlane on King government’s failure to support and train internationally-trained nurses on PEI who are ready to work
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 11, 2024 Statement from Matt MacFarlane on King government’s...
Fall Sitting Ends with the King Government Staking Its Claim as the Most Secretive Government in PEI History
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 29, 2024 Fall Sitting Ends with the King Government Staking Its...
Green Motion to Eliminate Bridge and Ferry Tolls for Islanders Travelling Off-Island for Medical Appointments Passes Unanimously
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 27, 2024 Green Motion to Eliminate Bridge and Ferry Tolls for...
Our Work
King government refusing to be transparent with Islanders as QEH Pediatrics Clinic struggles to provide services to Islanders
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2025 King government refusing to be transparent with Islanders as QEH Pediatrics Clinic struggles to provide services to Islanders Charlottetown, PE - Last week Islanders were deeply concerned to learn that internal medicine doctors...
A six-million dollar question: Where is the fiscal responsibility and transparency when it comes to Health PEI’s KPMG contract?
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 15, 2025 A six-million dollar question: Where is the fiscal responsibility and transparency when it comes to Health PEI’s KPMG contract? Charlottetown, PE - Recently Islanders learned that the King government has quietly extended its...
Office of the Third Party
4th Floor, Coles Building
175 Richmond Street, Charlottetown
Prince Edward Island, Canada