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Statement by MLA Lynne Lund - Where is the back to school plan?
Statement: Where’s the Back-to-School plan?
Opposition Green Caucus
August 25, 2022


August 25, 2022

Statement by Lynne Lund, Official Opposition Green Critic for Education and Lifelong Learning, asking the King government to release its back to school plan

The first day of school for Island students is less than two weeks away. As summer is winding down parents and students are planning their back to school routines. This is a big shift for a lot of Island families and a lot of planning goes into adjusting to the new routines and schedules.

I am hearing from a lot of Island families expressing concern that the Minister of Education has yet to release the back to school plan. Parents and students are wondering if masks will be mandatory, if cohorting will be imposed, if there will be any limitations on extracurricular activities, and so on. Island teachers are also anxious awaiting this plan since it will have a direct affect on their days come September.

Teachers, students and parents are actively planning for their back to school. Minister Jameson needs to share her back to school plans with them. Leaving it to the last minute is disrespectful and helps no one.


For media inquiries, please contact:
Jonathan Hamel
Director of Communications
Office of the Official Opposition
Tel: (902) 213-0718
Email: jdhamel@assembly.pe.ca

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