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Green Caucus Seeking Public Feedback on Proposed Legislation to Increase Transparency on Land Transactions on PEI
Opposition Green Caucus
October 21, 2024


October 21, 2024

Green Caucus Seeking Public Feedback on Proposed Legislation to Increase Transparency on Land Transactions on PEI

Charlottetown, PE – The Green Caucus is seeking public feedback on proposed legislation that would increase transparency when it comes to land on PEI and remove some of the secrecy related to land transactions.

“I have been hearing from an increasing number of Islanders about their concerns with land purchases on PEI. There is a sense of secrecy around land purchases that does not sit well with many Islanders who are seeing large amounts of land being purchased by organizations or individuals in their communities, said MLA Matt MacFarlane. “This is not a new problem. Increased transparency in land transactions has long been called for by Islanders.”

The proposed amendment to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act would allow the public to request IRAC recommendations through a Freedom of Information Request. 

Currently when a non-resident person or corporation buys land on PEI (above the legal threshold) they must first apply to IRAC for approval. PEI resident persons or corporations must also apply to IRAC for approval if they are above a certain acreage. IRAC reviews the request, including all of the supporting documentation and information, and sends a recommendation to Executive Council. 

However, the recommendation that IRAC sends to Executive Council is never made public, only the final decision made by Executive Council. Islanders have no way of knowing how often or if Executive Council follows IRAC recommendations on whether a person or corporation should be permitted to buy land.

“Islanders deserve to know who is making these important decisions with respect to our valuable land,” said MacFarlane. “This small change would add a layer of transparency and accountability by allowing Islanders to know if Executive Council accepted or rejected IRAC’s recommendation when it comes to land purchases. It would also signal a willingness of this government to increase transparency around land and land transactions.”

“I am hopeful that this amendment, if supported by government, will lead to more changes that would continue to increase transparency for Islanders,” said MacFarlane.

Islanders are invited to review the proposed legislation ahead of the fall sitting and share their thoughts. Public feedback can be submitted online by email to greencaucus@assembly.pe.ca. Submissions will be accepted until 12:00 PM on Monday, November 4, 2024.


For media inquiries, please contact:
Katie Rankin
Chief of Staff
Office of the Third Party
Tel: (902) 213-6378
Email: kerankin@assembly.pe.ca

The Opposition Green Caucus of Prince Edward Island provides a crucial role in the governing of our province. The caucus is made up of Green Party MLAs elected by Islanders.

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