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Updates from the Office of the Official Opposition

Indigenous Affairs
Reconciliation begins with Knowledge
Reconciliation begins with Knowledge

Charlottetown, PE - Today is Treaty Day on PEI. It is 295 years since the first Peace and Friendship Treaty was signed between the Mi’kmaq and British Settlers. There were a series of Treaties signed that guaranteed Mi’kmaq the right to hunt, fish, gather and earn a...

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The Opposition Green Caucus of Prince Edward Island provides a crucial role in the governing of our province. The caucus is made up of Green Party MLAs elected by Islanders.

We strive to offer informed and intelligent debate and proposals that are evidence-based and data-informed. Through respect and integrity, we seek to improve the work and efforts of government on behalf of all Islanders.

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Office of the Third Party
4th Floor, Coles Building
175 Richmond Street, Charlottetown
Prince Edward Island, Canada