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Official Opposition shares with government what it has heard from Islanders about RenewPEI
Opposition Green Caucus
September 28, 2020


The Official Opposition, with input from Islanders, has presented submissions to Renew PEI. The current pandemic and our necessary response have highlighted areas where families, seniors, women, youth, and children have either fallen through the cracks or have been unfairly impacted. It is time for us to rethink how we do things. We must make needed changes that will protect and improve the lives of each and every Islander.

As an Island, we have something called the “gift of jurisdiction.” This means we have the ability and resources we need to improve our situation within our province. With strong leadership from people who are willing to make changes to the status quo we can improve the well-being of all Islanders, regardless of who they are and where they live on PEI.


Early in the pandemic, the Official Opposition asked Islanders to ‘Dream Forward’ as we look ahead to a post-COVID PEI. Islanders were keen to share with us their priorities and vision for making a fairer, greener, and more resilient Prince Edward Island.

These submissions we made to Renew PEI represent what we have heard from Islanders.

What we have heard

Many Islanders we spoke with talked about the need to improve how we govern and care for our most precious resource – Islanders.

Islanders want to make sure that their families, friends, and neighbours are able to weather the storms of life, which are often outside of our control.

The feedback that we heard from Islanders were summarized in three separate, but related, areas. These areas deal with protecting the Security, Dignity, and Wellness of all Islanders and the resources, programs, and services that they depend on.


Security is often defined as being free from danger and the threat to one’s well-being. While it may be impossible to safeguard ourselves from each and every danger, there are things we can do to ensure Islanders have the tools they need to take care of themselves and those they love. 

Specifically, Islanders need:

  1. A basic income guarantee that includes short term income supports during times of economic disruption and uncertainty;
  2. Safe, affordable, appropriate, and sustainable housing options;
  3. Access to high speed internet services across the Island that drive the economy and maintain the security of rural Islanders;
  4. Predictable and dependable funding for non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that provide crucial programs and services to Islanders;
  5. Sustainable and diverse agricultural practices that are able to withstand the changing reality of our climate;
  6. A dependable commitment to investing in greener, renewable energy.


Dignity recognizes  the value of every living being in a manner that respects and protects that truth. Islanders have a right to be treated with respect and value. Doing so in a manner that is fair, equitable, and ethical gives dignity to every Islander. This is especially important in the areas of policy, politics, law, and personal well-being and safety.

Islanders have said the following areas must be addressed to protect and enhance the dignity of all people:

  1. Appropriate, safe, and affordable housing;
  2. Healthcare that is accessible wherever a person lives and that is provided in a timely manner;
  3. Access to appropriate and effective mental health services;
  4. Improved health services for women including dedicated midwifery and women’s healthcare;
  5. Decriminalization of simple drug possession with a view to ensure safe access and harm reduction services;
  6. Options for both long term and short term addictions treatment in the community;
  7. Provision of appropriate, affordable childcare programs and services;
  8. Access to healthcare for transgender and non-binary Islanders;
  9. Improved care systems for seniors living in long term care facilities;
  10. Increased access to homecare and supports for seniors.


Proof of a successful and thriving community can be measured by its wellness. Wellness includes our physical health but also includes mental, emotional, spiritual and community health. These are fundamental to our quality of life and the success of our community. 

Islanders have said the following areas must be addressed to protect and enhance the wellness of Islanders:

  1. Education reforms that are based in evidence and lead to better-educated, resilient and healthy students;
  2. An integrated and responsive healthcare system that considers and includes all facets of health, including mental health and addictions supports;
  3. Improved health services for women including dedicated midwifery and women’s healthcare;
  4. Equitable treatment and support for issues that disproportionately impact women, caregivers, and children;
  5. Increased supports for seniors to stay independent and connected to their communities;
  6. A tourism strategy that supports and respects local businesses, our culture, and heritage on PEI.

Official Opposition submissions to RenewPEI

Listed below are the submissions the Official Opposition made to the RenewPEI process. We would love for you to read through them and tell us what you think. If you have any feedback or questions, please reach out to us by email at officialopposition@assembly.pe.ca or by telephone at 902-620-3977.

The Opposition Green Caucus of Prince Edward Island provides a crucial role in the governing of our province. The caucus is made up of Green Party MLAs elected by Islanders.

We strive to offer informed and intelligent debate and proposals that are evidence-based and data-informed. Through respect and integrity, we seek to improve the work and efforts of government on behalf of all Islanders.

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Office of the Third Party
4th Floor, Coles Building
175 Richmond Street, Charlottetown
Prince Edward Island, Canada