by Official Opposition | Feb 3, 2020 | Ole Hammarlund
By Ole Hammarlund, MLA District 13 Charlottetown-Brighton As an MLA for Brighton, I know that many residents are concerned that the recently reclaimed green space may be used for parking. Despite being in Charlottetown, this project is the responsibility of the...
by Official Opposition | Jan 29, 2020 | Agriculture and Land, Michele Beaton
Statement from Ms. Michele Beaton, MLA for District 5, Mermaid-Stratford, and Official Opposition Critic for Agriculture and Land on failure of IRAC to produce report on land sale by Brendel Farms to Haslemere Farms (Red Fox Acres) Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me...
by Official Opposition | Jan 27, 2020 | Health and Wellness, Trish Altass
By Trish Altass, Official Opposition Critic for Health and Wellness; MLA District 23 Tyne Valley-Sherbrooke No one has said solving the Islands’ healthcare crisis would be easy. However, it is impossible to make progress based on empty promises. Since being appointed,...
by Official Opposition | Jan 27, 2020 | Health and Wellness, Trish Altass
Summerside, PE – Since being appointed to the Health and Wellness portfolio, Minister Aylward has been talking about all the conversations he has been having with community and stakeholders. However, evidence seems to show this has not really been the case....
by Official Opposition | Jan 23, 2020 | Michele Beaton, Miscellaneous
By Michele Beaton, MLA District 5 Mermaid-Stratford For most of us, we take a sick day or go to an appointment with our doctor with little pomp and ceremony. We also enjoy some measure of discretion from our employer when we do find ourselves away from work for health...